I need to be paid before my event finishes

If you need funds before your event concludes, Sticky Tickets offers the Payment Request Feature, allowing you to access up to 50% of your ticket sales in advance. Here's how you can apply for this feature:

Application Process:

  1. Fill out the Payment Request Feature Form (see attached file below).
  2. Send a scanned copy of your driver’s license (front and back) and 2 utility bills with the same address as your license.
  3. Pay a $49 processing fee (only billed if your application is approved).

How to Apply:

Approval and Usage:

  • If approved, a "Payment Request" tab will appear on your event summary page.
  • Once approved, you can request funds by following the instructions on the request a payment page.

Please note that the standard practice is for all revenue from ticket sales to be deposited into your nominated bank account at the conclusion of your event. The Payment Request Feature is designed for special cases where you need funds before the event concludes.


If you have any questions about payments or any other aspect, feel free to contact us at support anytime. We're here to assist you!