Enhance the post-purchase experience for your customers by adding a redirect button to the 'Order Success' page. Adding a ‘redirect’ button to this page will allow the ticket purchaser, if they choose, to click and be directed to a URL of your choice. This simple guide will walk you through the process:
1. Log into Your Sticky Tickets Account
2. Go to the Edit Event page and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

- Button Text: Enter the desired label for your button. This is what your purchasers will see. Make it engaging and indicative of the action, like "Discover More" or "Visit Our Page."
Redirect to Organiser Page (Checkbox): Decide whether you want the button to redirect purchasers to your organiser page. If so, check this box. If you prefer a different URL, leave it unchecked.
Button URL: If not redirecting to the organiser page, input the specific URL where you want purchasers to land. Ensure it's a complete URL, starting with 'https://' (e.g., https://www.stickytickets.com.au/).

If you have questions about this or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us at support any time and we'd be more than happy to help.