If you have been approved for any of our rebate programs (excluding the one-off rebate), the rebate amount will be transferred to your nominated bank account along with your ticket sales. These transactions will occur separately, and you will be able to claim the highlighted amount on the summary page of your event once you mark it as 'Complete'.

Once paid, it will then appear in the Transactions section on the event summary page.

All paid ticket sales and rebates will also be listed in the Transactions tab of your account.

For One-off Rebate claims:
- Using your letterhead, please send an invoice for the amount being claimed to accounts@stickytickets.com.au (you can address it to Sticky Tickets Pty Ltd)
- Include your banking details on the invoice.
- Allow 48-72 hrs for the rebate to appear in your nominated bank account.
If we can provide any further assistance regarding claiming your rebate or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us at any time.